30 November 2008

BFL/Angora handspun

This fibre is not from my usual colourways but I am growing to like it. The fibre was from EGMTK (one of the best fibre suppliers and from Australia as well).

28 November 2008

Bobbin lace

I received a lovely surprise in the mail the other day from a dear and very, very talented lady Alison Dews. Alison , from the United Kingdom, is an expert bobbin lacer and she made this gorgeous red mat for me, which I will always treasure.

23 November 2008

15 November 2008

Soul Collage cards

Two recent transpersonal Soul Collage cards I completed - Witness and Humour.....

Magic loop knitting

I am knitting socks using the magic loop technique - this involves knitting two socks on the one circular needle (albeit a larger needle in length). It is much easier than it looks and certainly avoids the "one sock" syndrome.

04 November 2008

Today is a public holiday so I took the opportunity to dye some fleece - EL and EF.