21 January 2007

Here I was worrying about doing no craft on the weekend, I must re-evaluate my life.

I went to the ocean today and, just when you think nothing will amaze you, on two separate occasions there were seals on the beach! You obviously couldn't touch them (although I was very tempted), but they were gorgeous, which such lovely sad eyes. I was about two feet away from the seals! One was frolicking, rolling in the sand, almost pleading for a belly rub!

OMG, what an experience. Being so close to wildlife! Talk about a natural high.


  1. How wonderful Liz.... seals are gorgeous. You are getting a nice balance with nature and art.

  2. Having inspiring encounters with nature will feed your creativity and crafting. Enjoy your summertime!

  3. Anonymous6:22 am

    How great that sounds.

  4. wow - that would surely have been an amazing experience. did you find any sea shells?

  5. what a wonderful experience - but then everything about being near the ocean is wonderful!

  6. Ohhhh...wow! THat is really cool! I remember seeing seals in Maine. I had no idea they came in so many colors! It was amazing..altho we weren't THAT close!

  7. How cool is that!

  8. ehhhhhhhh (drawing in breath quickly)...how EXCITING to find seals on the beach...so close. Lucky you! All I ever see are gulls and dead fish!

  9. What beautiful creatures seals are! I'm so glad you got to see some actually on the beach, what a special event that is!


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