07 January 2007


I'm a member of a group which talks about a "2007 Art Plan" - here's mine.

1.Attempt Portraits - something I have avoided because I think this is beyond my capability. However this is the year I am going to challenge myself and paint/draw a few. Keep posted for the results (although I have 12 months to do this).

2. Use Colour - I want to add a lot more colour to my work, rather than sticking with the safe earthy colours. I don't think this will be a massive problem for me, as I do light "brightness".

3. Plein Air - go outdoors and paint what I see (of course this impacts on "me time").

4. Not feel bombarded -attempt to do too many projects so I lose sight of the enjoyment of art.


  1. What terrific goals! I look forward to seeing the results.


  2. Now that sounds like a PLAN! gee, I have already fallen off my plan to produce some type of art every day....so even if it is the size of a postage stamp...I shall persevere! Go girlll!

  3. Wonderful plans for a wonderful New Year.Here's to 2007!

  4. Great plans! Think of plein air AS "me time". After all, it really is just for you. Enjoy it! I know you will do well. Your fairy has a really cute face. I can't draw fairies. Maybe it's because I don't believe in them......ooops! I didn't say that! Now, I KNOW that's why Santa doesn't visit me...I said that about him once. LOL Keep creating!


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