23 June 2007

Alice in Wonderland

Well it took me a couple of decades to revisit this book but I finally did it. I didn't want to be beaten by Lewis Carroll.

I struggled with the storyline the first time around, however seemed to almost understand it more this time (and I read the book within a few hours). In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter on Mock Turtle - I chuckled numerous times whilst reading this.

Overall I think because my imagination isn't too developed, I still struggled with the book's nonsensical storyline (albeit to a lesser extent).

My 9yo is now reading the book, hopefully she can explain it to me.


  1. Anonymous9:58 am

    Wonderful post! Glad you finally read the whole book.I read a lil and put it aside and read a lil and put it aside until the book's completed. Sometimes I never compete it though.Not because of lack of trying. Alice in Wonderland is a wonderful story! Great post!

  2. Oh yes, something I have meant to do for years. You have inspired me to dig it out one of these wet winter days.

  3. Oh yes, something I have meant to do for years. You have inspired me to dig it out one of these wet winter days.


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