13 July 2007

LP Bowl

Here is a fruit bowl made from an old album/LP - I threatened to use one of my husband's albums, must to his disgust.

Anyhow, I got the idea from a You-Tube site, and this was way too easy to make (in fact all the kids made one too).


  1. Anonymous12:26 am

    Wonderful bowl! Which you-tube site did you find the instructions on? *HUGS*

  2. The bowl is so amazing...I think "Mr. Pear" would "have a cow" if I did one of these!
    You have certainly been creative lately! Kep it up and keep posting!

  3. This bowl is wonderful - I have wanted to try these for a while, and yours has a great shape. Did you coat it or was it glossy already?

  4. How cool is this!!!!
    Love it.
    Perfect fruit bowl.

  5. Your creative juices are flowing...a wonderful new project everyday! I finally got your dolly in the mail today 7-15..sorry she is late. LIzzzzzzzzzzzzzy from arkansas

  6. What a fantastic idea, its actually beautiful. I love this.
    Hugs, Kat Lees

  7. I made one out of an old Carole king Album I had, i use it for Popcorn.. arn't these fun to do?
    Peace, Kai xx


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