12 August 2007


I'm chuffed, I received this lovely blogger Award yesterday from somone who's email address I don't recognise - I'm sorry I don't know who you are at the moment, but please let me know so I can thank you.


  1. I love all things whimsical, therefore, I have had a wonderful time looking thru your work and blog. Very funky and its just smacks of contentedness !! Shine on.!

  2. Anonymous10:35 pm

    I can't say that I know who gave you this award. I think that it's wonderful though!

  3. The "Nice Matters Award" didn't come from me either........but is'nt it heart warming to receive it.
    Thanks for visiting KenMaursCorner;I'm enjoying visiting with you......I see you're an A_NZ_art quilter too!

    BTW I enjoyed your lace,ATCs and doll!

  4. The award came from
    "Akemalu & Queenie" -
    I saw thanks to them for it on another (nice) blog the other day.

  5. Well Akemalu & Queenie may have given it to the blog I saw, but I now understand
    after following the trail from Sublime Suethat there is no single source - the award has fanned out and is passed onwards by recipients.


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