03 October 2007

2007 Rugby League Premiers

For the second time since our existence in 1998 (1999 and 2007) WE WON the League. Yes, I am proud of my boys.


  1. Anonymous12:02 am

    Right on! Think they will be able to hold onto it next year?

  2. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Rugby League or Rugby Union? Which is better?
    Personally I think Rugby League out classes union by far, though being a Wakefield Wildcats fan makes me a little biased! However I do admit that internationally Rugby League needs some work so Rugby Union has that on its side but what about the game itself?
    It seems that Rugby Union is just a collection of dog piles most of the time followed by short lived runs which either involve running straight into the other teams players or scoring the odd try, WHY!?
    In Rugby League I can see the point in running straight into your opponent as you have to make some ground only having six tackles to do it but in Union, it’s just a way of losing the ball! Fools!
    I mean I like doing a little every other week but when it comes to Rugby Union, its just boring! KICK! THERE INFRONT! KICK! THERE BEHIND!! KICK THERE INFRONT AGAIN!!! OH NO WAIT!! THERE BEHIND AGAIN! RUN THE DAMN BALL!!!!
    Anyway I’ll stop my rant here and give someone else say what they think!


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