23 November 2007

Christmas Serviette

Here is one of eight serviettes I made for this year's Christmas meal. It's in the shape of a Christmas tree but opens up to a half circle serviette (when you think about it, a half circle sits better on your knee than a square/rectangle serviette). I also intend to make matching placemats.

My Quilting group took this on the challenge to make the serviettes and to have a "show and tell" at our Christmas break-up. I can't wait to see how the others turned out because we all chose different fabric.


  1. Anonymous6:36 am

    How creative! I love it! *HUGS*

  2. Anonymous4:54 pm

    just love it would you be kind enough to give me the size of the half circle I would love to make one
    Lynne in australia

  3. Thanks Lynne. Sorry it took a while for me to get back to you - I had to go through bags of Xmas decos to find a serviette. Anyhow, the measurement is 52 cm along the straight long, and the radius from the centre of the straight line to the biggest part of the half circle is 26cm. Hope this makes sense, if not, please email me. Thanks


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