13 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Not that I am a traditionalist, but a "theme" always motivates me. And what better a theme, than Love.......
Firstly a wonderful Pattern from Jon, which can be found at this site http://tatsaway-patterns.blogspot.com/. This is my first attempt at a dimpled ring. I used Lizbeth thread which is definitely my favourite tatting thread at the moment.

Motif number 9 for 25 Motif Challenge.

Secondly, I remember these lollies from my childhood. They are called "Sweethearts" and I thought it appropriate to take a photo to recognise the day of love.

Lastly, a little play on words - well, scrabble letters actually. I love my 50mm prime lens for my Nikon and use it every chance I get.


  1. Nice heart and dimpled ring! Looks great in that thread.
    Fox : )

  2. Your heart is lovely! I haven't tried a dimpled ring yet. Yours is well done!

    I've been enjoying your ThreeSixFive photos. That challenge will provide you with an interesting way to look back at the year's big and little moments.

    :) Ann


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