06 February 2010

Tatting Motifs

Here is some tatting I recently finished. First is a snowflake based on heart doily by Kelly Luljak. I used Perle 8 in a blood red colour.
Motif number 4 for 25 motif challenge.

Next is Acacia by Judith Conners. I used Caotes 20 in a blue with some dark blue/purple beads as accent.

Motif number 5 for 25 motif challenge.

Thirdly is Sally Magill's MHC Snowflake in Lizbeth's 20. Whilst I love Lizbeth, it is just divine, the variation doesn't do the pattern any justice at all.

Motif number 6 for 25 motif challenge.

.... and lastly is my completed Rooster from Jane's TIAS challenge. It was the first time I have participated in a tatting challenge, and now I understand what "challenge" actually means! I really enjoyed doing this however and will certainly do another one.

Motif number 7 for 25 motif challenge.


  1. I really like the red doily. And you were very clever in your TIAS colour choices, it suits the rooster.

  2. Your motifs are all so pretty! I really like the red one, but I've got to say my eye keeps being drawn to the blue one with it's pretty beads. You did a great job on the variegated motif, but the pattern does get lost with the color changes. I'm working on a heart with variegated thread tonight and am unsure if I like the effect. I haven't broken the code on variegated threads yet.

    Wasn't the TIAS fun? I was definitely challenged but I am so glad I did it because it taught me allot.

    :) Ann


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