09 March 2010

Free Time.

What does one do when they have reduced the family size from four kids to none - PARTY!!! My sister and BIL generously took three of our children to Queensland for one week (visit their blog to see their fun-filled adventures at http://www.theatkinsonkids.blogspot.com/). The fourth child just did his own thing and was away for a lot of the long weekend.

Over the recent long weekend, my husband and I did many things including movie watching (saw three excellent movies - Shutter Island, Men who Stare at Goats and, the most brilliant, Hurt Locker). We experienced different cuisine (and discovered two wonderful restaurants in our town) including Thai, Indian and Penang. We visited a few different retro markets including the Mill Market at Geelong and the infamous Camberwell Sunday Market. And to top it off we had coffee and cake at my all time favourite (and retro) cafe in Bacchus Marsh - Baby Black.

Here are a couple of snaps of the cafe:

1 comment:

  1. You certainly made good use of your freedom!

    Just out of curiosity....did you talk about the children much over the weekend.....things like 'I wonder what they're doing right now?' Or did you totally focus on your 'time-out'?


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