20 May 2010

My new Babe

OK, I admit it. I bought ANOTHER spinning wheel, this time a windwheel so how could I refuse. BTW, thanks to my friend Karen at http://woolznyarnz.blogspot.com/ who fixed the "teething problems" and got it going - Karen is excellent at servicing wheels (do have a look at her blog because she also sells the most amazing fleece/rovings).

Time to show her off (along with my others).
Ta da..... here is Venus

...and Freya (Wee Peggy)

...and Eos (Traveller)

...and Minerva (Castella)

..and my trusty and rickety antique, Athena

1 comment:

  1. I like the fact that you name your babies :)

    Do you store them in the same room as each other, or do you leave them in different locations around the house so that you can work in various locations?


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