29 July 2010

Flower Triptych

Recently took a series of shots of flowers/seeds and picked the three I liked the best to do a triptych. Then I sent away for the photographs to be mounted on board and this is the end result. Whilst the photos are smallish IRL, I am very happy with the final result and will definitely be mounting further photos (albeit, on larger board). BTW, Thanks to Susannah T for all her help; you are not only generous but an inspiration.


  1. I love how they turned out too. I can see why you picked these as well. For so much details are shown in ways that aren't normally seen or shown by others.

  2. I love how they turned out too. I can see why you picked these as well. For so much details are shown in ways that aren't normally seen or shown by others.

  3. I love your photos! Nice work - love how this turned out. I am almost tempted to do that 365 challenge - but I barely have enough time to do half of the things I want to, so that may never happen. Thanks for your inspiration!


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