14 August 2010

Tea Cosies

I just completed two tea cosies from an absolutely wonderful book called "Really Wild Tea Cosies" by Loani Prior. Loani has two tea cosy books out but I fell in love with so many of the cosies from this book. Here is her blog http://wildforteacosies.blogspot.com/

Whilst I do use a teapot, the two cosies are going to my husband's work colleague..... What an excuse to make another tea cosy - this time for ME.

Here is Elfin -

..and I would like to introduce Pedro


  1. Wow they are FABBO. Thank you so much for knitting them and for buying my books. Smiling from ear to ear.

    Just a note: the Wild For Tea Cosies blog is a community blog that I administrate. Any tea cosy nut can join. Tell my if you'd like to.

    my blog is http://www.grandpurlbaa.com

    Very good cheer

  2. Fabulous Cosies :-)

    I have both the books ... and many plans

  3. Arty Lady,
    Those are amazing! Look at all the pompoms! Then Pedro is such a good looking bird too. Can't wait to see what the one for you looks like. Yes, tea cosies are very helpful to keep tea warm. The person who is getting them will be thrilled for sure!


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