08 September 2010

Julie Goodwin

I cannot believe I just bought a - are you ready for it - COOKBOOK! I admit I am no great cook but fell in love with this book and think the author's recipes are simple yet divine. The book is a pleasure to read, with some lovely photos, and "scrapbooking" pages.

Julie won Australia's MasterChef and has gone on to publish her book of family recipes - again simple (which suits me down to the ground), but scrumptious. I first saw Julie on her TV show "Home Cooked" (I did not watch MasterChef because I am not a cook) and printed off some of her recipes from the website with good intention.

Thank you Julie for inspiring me to cook; I would love to do a Julie & Julia type blog where I attempt all your recipes (perhaps I could call it "Liz and Julie"). It's a start for me.

Now I'm off to ponder Asparagus with poached eggs and hollandaise (if only I had an appetite, but that's another saga)


  1. mmm, sounds good - I am as partial to cookbooks as I am to books on textiles so I am quite tempted by this one now.

    Hope your appetite returns.

  2. Arty Lady,
    So does this mean we can all come over to test what you make? I know it would be a blast! Good friends crafts testing food & enjoying time together. What more could friends ask for?


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