06 January 2011

Tat It and See

..Supplies are ready for my second year of Jane's TIAS challenge. My colours are a plain green and variegated LizBeth thread (Springtime), both #20, with some dark multicolours beads as a contrast (and no I do not know what we are making, all is revealed as we get further along with the challenge. Details on TIAS can be found here http://tatitandsee.blogspot.com/2011/01/happy-new-tat-it-and-see-to-all.html.

Last year, when all the pieces fell in to place, it resulted in a lovely Rooster.


  1. You are always creating some wonderful creation. You will have to bring some to knitting night so we can have a look at them!

  2. It's so great to see someone tatting! I'm not much of a tatter myself, but my mom is really good at it. That rooster from last year is really cute! Happy CED!


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