09 January 2012

Weave It Loom/Weaving

I spent a wonderful day at the Victorian Handweavers and Spinners Guild learning to use a "Weave It Loom".  Whilst fairly simple to set up and weave, I did find it time-consuming. 

My first square was with sock yarn and turned out very open weaved and really quite useless for anything. The second square was with thick and thin textured yarn and was aesthetically more pleasing but also firmer in texture; the only problem with the second sample - very difficult to weave due to the thickness of the yarn (a slighter thinner yarn would have been perfect).  Whilst Weave It Looms are vintage, you can make one yourself and there are a couple of sites on the internet which show you how to do it.  I think even I could manage hammering a few nails into a frame (perhaps picture frame). 

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