21 May 2012

Smartie Biscuits

My youngest made some scrumptious smartie biscuits on the weekend using a recipe from the well-known http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com.au/.  Surprisingly the recipe called for one tin of condensed milk and both my daughter & myself restrained ourselves and didn't succumb to temptation to scoff down the contents of the tin before it made the mixing bowl.  There was plenty biscuit mixture left so we also made some jam biscuits for lunches during the week.

(Makes 7-8 dozen, cook 10 min at 180C)

500 grams butter (approx 1.1 lb)
1 can condensed milk (390-400 gram)
1 cup sugar
5 cups wholemeal self raising flour (or plain flour and paking powder)
toppings like choc chips, smarties, jam, cinnamon and sugar

Cream butter and sugar, add condensed milk. stir in flour.  Roll into balls and flatten. top with choc chips etc, or thumbprint and add jam for jam drops.

Cool on racks

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