20 June 2012

La Dentelle Torchon mat

I finally finished this mat, which only took around four months (obviously not continuously working on it).  The pattern is by Martine Piveteau and I found it very easy to work once it was started, with 30+ pairs of bobbins. 

Who knows, one day I may even get around to mounting it on fabric so I can use it as a mat (now if anyone knows of a fabric mounting business please let me know as I will gladly pay someone to do this for me).

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely gorgeous! I don't know of anyone who does that type of work. I imagine the lace would be laid on the fabric for size; trim the fabric and finish it with a rolled hem, and then sew the lace on. I think I might do some experimenting and see how that works!


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