A post not about crafting, but about how I am torn up inside.
My heart bleeds, I am a shattered person, yet I can't shed a tear. My beloved MELBOURNE STORM are nothing more than cheats. How could you! Two premierships 2007 and 2009 have been stripped from us, three minor premierships, and our dignity. You lied, you overpaid players, you breached the salary cap - and you were deceitful, not only to your fans but to yourself! Don't you know winning is not everything but it's how you play the game. Yet I still love you and will still support you, I will still be there at the games, I will even still be a member (if there is a Club) - even though your actions are against all my beliefs!
Brian Waldron you are the instigator, a traitor - what goes around, comes around. You showed very few leadership qualities; let's hope the Rebels remove you before a repeat.