My blog is my way of showing love of most things, in particular art and craft work. My work is quick, not pain-stakingly perfect - there is too much else going on to worry about perfection. My main blog is eclectic. My Sub-Blogs specifically show my different arts and crafts.
25 May 2010
ThreeSixFive Challenge May Pt1

20 May 2010
My new Babe
OK, I admit it. I bought ANOTHER spinning wheel, this time a windwheel so how could I refuse. BTW, thanks to my friend Karen at http://woolznyarnz.blogspot.com/ who fixed the "teething problems" and got it going - Karen is excellent at servicing wheels (do have a look at her blog because she also sells the most amazing fleece/rovings).
Time to show her off (along with my others).
Ta da..... here is Venus

...and Freya (Wee Peggy)

...and Eos (Traveller)
..and my trusty and rickety antique, Athena
Time to show her off (along with my others).
Ta da..... here is Venus

...and Freya (Wee Peggy)

...and Eos (Traveller)
..and my trusty and rickety antique, Athena

18 May 2010
Braided Necklace
16 May 2010

15 May 2010
Art Yarn

13 May 2010
Life Drawing
Last night a friend and I went to a Life Drawing session at Yarraville. Although very cold, it was a lot of creative fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The last time we both went to a life drawing was almost four years ago; hopefully it won't be this long next time! The lady who ran the session was very friendly and wanted everything just right for the artists and models. Details can be found at http://www.inkandlead.com.au/. The models were lovely and oh so patient, maintaining their poses for anywhere up to 15 minutes. No, they were not nudies but almost burlesque in costume. I experimented with graphite, pencil and colour. The person next to me was using ink and a brush and got some amazing results - I think I may try this next time.

08 May 2010
Craft Show
I just picked up my items which were entered into the District CWA show. I didn't really know what to expect however I did quite well.
Firstly, our Branch won a number of Awards including a trophy for "Best Handcraft Entry", trophy for "Best Presentation", trophy for "Best Branch Craft Exhibition" and a first prize in "Branch Entry, Rural Australia". In this display is my lace tree (with a lovely reflection), a rural watercolour, and needle felted rabbit. 

My individual Awards were :-
First for felted handbag-
Second for Any other Medium (crepe paper Dolphins) -
Second for ribbon Embroidery (roses) -Second prize for Embroidery (lace fan) - No there was no lace section and apparently this was the closest category to lace - OH NO IT'S NOT!!!!
First for Watercolour (seagulls) -
06 May 2010
Polaroid Week
It's officially Polaroid week (or 'Roid week to those of us addicts) and it's actually day four and I'm behind in posting.
I used my gorgeous, lovely, reliable (I can think of a lot more adjectives but I think I will stop here) SX-70 to take my snaps.
Day 1 (03/05/2010) - PRICKLY PEAR

Day 2 (04/05/2010) - BARN

Day 3 (05/05/2010) - BASKETBALL

Day 4 (06/05/2010) - DOG
I used my gorgeous, lovely, reliable (I can think of a lot more adjectives but I think I will stop here) SX-70 to take my snaps.
Day 1 (03/05/2010) - PRICKLY PEAR

Day 2 (04/05/2010) - BARN

Day 3 (05/05/2010) - BASKETBALL

Day 4 (06/05/2010) - DOG

03 May 2010
02 May 2010
ThreeSixFiveChallenge April
Finally got a minute to upload some of my photos from April fopr the 356 challenge. I'm getting a little stale in the inspiration area at the moment; it's cold, it's heading towards winter and there's not a great deal around here to photograph. 

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